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Imperial Library
Acknowledgments vii
1 part one
The Veil’s Vanishing Past
The New Veil: Converging Influences
Islamist Connections
part two
Backlash: The Veil, the Burka, and the Clamor of War
ISNA and the Women of ISNA
American Muslim Women’s Activism in the Twenty-First Century
that the Mus- lim Brotherhood and other Islamist groups had indeed played key roles in the founding
sidered a major force in the history of Islam globally. As Fawaz Gerges, a prominent expert on Islam
In it Amin re- buts many of D’Harcourt’s critiques and staunchly defends Islamic prac- tices, includ
However, in fairness to Abduh it should be noted that scholars have long debated Cromer’s motivation
in evidence and where, “equally hateful to Banna,” the Suez Canal Com- pany was an obvious presence.
delusory and un-Islamic secular ideologies as Arab nationalism and socialism.
Sadat and his supporters also would use religious language and symbolism to describe the war: even t
the oneness of God—an affirmation that implied that God alone had power to bless and respond to pray
hearts that the glory belongs to Allah, to his Prophet and to the believ- ers.” The Brotherhood took
(calls to prayer) chanted simply by the unamplified human voice blending with the sounds of the city
There was little disagreement among the mainstream Brother- hood’s leaders that women did meet the q
another semi-official publi- cation, also conducted its own independent study of Islamist extremism
future wars. Students were exempt from the immigration quotas in force at the time, and pursuing hig
For those gathered there, wrote Ahmed, “Islam was seen as an ideology, a way of life, and a mission,
Saudi Arabia encouraged its youth to go to Afghanistan to fight the jihad against the Soviet Union.
s. With the fall of the Soviet Union, as Zachary Lockman writes, observers began “to seek new ways o
sparking memories of colonialism, the lasting repercussions of which remain devastating to the life,
other woman began beating her while yelling, ‘America is only for white people.’ The victim was take
by Emma Tarlo promises to explore.
the Holy Land.” The petition quickly gathered signatures.
Besides becoming a common topic in the media and in the national political conversation, “women’s op
Yasin did deliver his speech, and it proved to be entirely uncon- troversial. Maintaining that the w
, if you came from Texas to Florida you could not use a public toilet and could not buy ice cream.”
The booklet recommends that “women and men, girls and boys should have equal access to and must feel
Raised a Catholic in Kitchener, Ontario, Mattson was a pious child until the age of about fifteen, w
. There her husband be- came “heavily involved” in founding the first MSA chapter at Carleton Univer
by justifying women’s degradation as well as violating her rights.”
and BBC television.
the understanding that “I did not convert to Islam to follow their lead: I had little if any allegia
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